Static noise help please

Recently just notice Static, hiss, popping sound(I don’t think I hear that before but I might be wrong) from both speakers when volume alway down with music off. Happen only when connected usb from iMac to Schitt Modi 2 Uber DAC. Static noise disappear after unplug either end of the usb. I am using temporally cheap 15 feet usb a/b cable. Pre amp is ARC LS7,ARC VS60 amp,and Sonus Faber Venere 2.5.  Any advise?
I swap from ARC setup above to Cary SLI80 interested amp and used the same usb cable and the static noise was gone. So I think it is not the usb cable problem. Is that possible static noise come from tubes?



Showing 3 responses by sbank

"The Gungnir does not have a USB input." ghosthouse, I'm listening to my Gungnir Multibit via USB right now as I type. It certainly has USB input. 

Eddy, agree to try a certified USB cable. If ordering online check out Blue Jean cables on amazon or their own website, very affordable and reliable source for ethernet, usb etc. 

The galvanic isolator would probably help, but for your temporary setup, not worth investment. Wires are all antennae. Experiment with physical layout of the computer, dac, etc. Minimize wires touching each other and when they have to cross, try to keep at right angles. Bundle extra length with plastic ties or twisties from grocery store(not as good because there is metal inside). Neat cables minimize noise. Cheers,

Eddy, now you are getting to next level in computer audio learning. Yes, noise from computer passed to dac via usb is a HUGE problem. That's why Schitt makes Wyrd(which I use), even better according to many is Uptone Regen. Other things like iFi cable with separate power and signal legs all are trying to deal with this problem. Computers are noisy, since they usually are running many processes all generating noise. Many audio software programs, try to get the computer to turn off other processing to quiet down the computer so less noise goes to the usb/dac. 
IMHO the most exciting development is the newer ethernet streamers that let you replace your computer with a small low power low noise linux box and stream your library from a network attached storage (NAS) drive located in another room and attached by ethernet cable only. 
This is a rapidly changing corner of the audio world. IMHO, Sonore, Uptone, Aurender and other companies moving in this direction are leading where digital high end music is evolving. Cheers,