Static-like Sound from Tweeter?

Have recently noticed a static kind of sound coming from one of the tweeters of my Totem Hawks. Only notice it on some (Not all) quieter music and only when close to speaker - i.e. can't really notice it ten feet away but do hear it 3-4 feet away. Not there when no music is playing.

Any ideas on what this is?
Ag insider logo xs@2xitball
Well - very interesting. It is the Benchmark DAC. I even switched coax cables to be sure it was not the cable. That surprises me given all the other things it could have been. Guess i will have them take a look at it.
Okay - it moves to the other speaker when I reverse channels at the source and I switched interconnects and it still did it so not the cables. Upstream I have an Olive Music Server connected coax to a Benchmark DAC that then goes straight into the AMP. So I plugged my Headphones into the DAC and I get the same thing through them. So clearly coming from DAC or Music Server (or coax cable). Will take DAC out of loop and replace with a preamp that I have and see what happens.

Thanks for the help thus far!
Try reversing the right and left channel from the source (since its the easiest) and does stay in the 1 tweeter? If so I personally would reverse the speaker connections to determine if its the source speakers amp or preamp.
Itball, switch your speaker cables from one speaker to the other to see if it is still there or goes to the other speaker.

If it stays then you have a speaker issue, if it follows then something else within the system.

Start there and let us know the results.