Static electricity Killin me.

Everytime I get up and touch any part of my rig I shhot a two inch lightning bolt onto my equipment. It's gotten so bad that I'm picking the equipment I figure it has the least impact on to shock, before I touch the piece that I'm actually after. You guys experience the same thing? And if so, what's the best way to get rid of the buildup? Speaker binding post? Cd player chasis? If I touch the wadia 170i first, it actually stunts it for a second.

Showing 1 response by djohnson54

B_limo, I'm assuming you have carpet or a rug between your listening position and your equipment. If so, you can control static by mixing fabric softener with water in a spray bottle and spray the part you walk on. One article I saw suggested 1 tablespoon per half gallon of water but I'm sure there are other ratios as well. Dick