Static Build Up On Record Surface

I have a VPI 16.5 record cleaning machine. When I use the standard VPI record cleaning fluid to clean my newly acquired records, I notice an excessive amount of static build up on the record surfaces when the newly cleaned records are played.

VPI owners, is this normal or am I doing something wrong in the cleaning process?

Showing 1 response by rosstaman

It's not normal. I doubt that is has anything to do with your cleaning process. It could be the material of your clothes (polyester, polar fleece, etc.), synthetic carpeting, or it could be very dry climate. Regardless, there is a simple solution. Purchase a Zerostat 3 antistatic gun. It costs around $50-60 and should last a many years. You simply hold it about a foot away from the record surface and one shot releases positive and negative ions that couple with the positive and negative static charges on the record effectivly neutralising them.