Starting Over and I need your help

The more I read…….the more I become confused!…..Do I simply need to start over with more carefully selected components?

I currently own a Musical Paradise MP 301 III, Bluesound Node 2i, Omega 7 speakers, and a Rotel RCD 06 SE CD player. To me, this system sounds underwhelming, especially when streaming. I use Apple Music as a source but I am open to switching to another. I only play CDs and stream and do not see myself incorporating vinyl into the mix. Musical tastes are jazz and acoustic. The room size is smallish home office. By the way, I also own a Parasound Zamp that I currently don’t use because I do not have a preamp……should I sell or keep that?

I am willing to sell it all, if needed, to get better sound.  If you were me, what would you change or keep? My total budget would be under $3000 and by buying some used I bet you guys can help me figure out what I should pursue within Audiogon to purchase.

Many thanks in advance for your expertise and opinions!


Raleigh NC





You're gonna get all kinds of opinions....THIS IS MY EXPERIENCE, hope it helps you:

Had a pair of decent bookshelves running on a 30wpc NAD integrated, system was underwhelming. I decided to "bite the bullet" and went for a Rogue Cronus Magnum tube thinking of "tubey" gear like Cary etc from the 70's-80's sounding.  I WAS WRONG...newer tube gear, is amazing with rhythm/pace/and bass punch! Took one home to audition and bought one immediately.  Next, I upgraded TT cartridge....helped somewhat but left me feeling too much was still missing.  I was hearing streamed music (aka digital) unlike anything before at my local audio salon.  I bit and bought a Bluesound Node 2i.....was good but not the soundstage and Tonality  I yearned.  Don't let anyonw tell you streamers don't matter...that it's all in the DAC....not my experience.  Streamers make a difference IMHO.  I tried an innuous streamer with a Ideon Ayazi DAC and loved it...all digititis gone.....but my dealer had a demo Hifi Rose 520B that I got a screaming deal on and couldn't pass up....later on I added a subwoofer, but eventually went with a nice 2 1/2 way floorstander (Sonner ) and am happy with my system.  LASTLY, I want to say "source" on streaming is critical...I went with Qobuz, as it sounded best Hi Rez source to my ears.  You may want to try Tidal as well.  I can't state enough to hard wire source, avoid wireless streaming.  Good Luck on your "return" venture into this crazy hobby