Starting out. - need your counsel

I need a preamp/processor to tie a family video system together.

At this point I have a TV, a DVD/SACD player, a VCR, several stereo and mono amps, plenty of interconnects, several small speakers, and a JANIS subwoofer/amp. I also have digital cable as a source. (I have no desire to play music on this system, only video stuff. I have an adequate audiophile system in my music room.) Our family room is rather small, 15x20' or so. No loud music. I don't know anything about Dolby or DTS or any of that stuff.

IS there an inexpensive option for me? I can buy new or used, but would rather buy used or deep discount here on A'gon. However, I would like as transparent a system as possible with a remote - the two channel has spoiled us vs. the junk that passes as theatre that screeches. I also will not tolerate ground loops and such. The power to the room is dedicated.
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Showing 1 response by poloman

Try the Harman Kardon line of A/V receivers. I have the AVR7000 which is disco. Now the 8000 is out they all have DTS which is what you should look for if they have that they have everything else.