Starting out- a Beatles question

I starting to piece together a budget system, and I really wanted a turn table to be a part of it. In my head I thought it'd be no problem at all to get any Beatles or Pink Floyd album with no issues. When I look on Amazon or Music Direct, looks like only Abbey Road and Dark Side are readily available new. Should I be looking elsewhere?

Is it the case that if you want classic rock type material, you're typically going to have to find them used?

I also listen to a lot of Radiohead and new indie groups, and it seems like getting those albums on vinyl is no problem.

My proposed system so far: My current MMGs, a Clearaudio Concept table, an NAD PP3i preamp, and a TBD amp (solid or tube, under $2500).


Showing 1 response by hammy

Get Revolver! Better on vinyl, but I have both because I don't like cleaning records. I don't like cleaning anything!