I have a good friend of mine that’s had a in house retail business and online as well. He switched from higher priced gear to lower mid-fi gear and has not seen any pickup from making the change. He made an attempt to sell unique lower priced tube gear and hasn’t been successful at all with it. You are talking about spending the money for a store, inventory to include demo and stock units, sounds difficult to me. I have bought gear from my friend just to keep some cash flow coming his way, I just don’t see how you can compete with online retailers and the used market in this crazy economy that we are in.
Starting my showroom again
Hello, audiophiles. I would like to get your honest feedback. Back in 2022, I had to close my business in Nashville owing to a series of unexpected occurrences (several deaths in the family, a rapid move to assist my mother-in-law, and a brain operation); all of this necessitated that I close the store in a matter of weeks. It was now a two-hour trek to Nashville. I worked as a glorified gate operator at a chemical company because that is all was available in our small town. I received an opportunity to become national sales director for an audio company, which would provide some income—not much, but enough to go back into the hifi business at the bottom level.
So now you know the incredibly brief version of the story. Here's the question: there is a little town about 30 minutes away that is booming and gaining more expensive retailers like Ulta and StarBucks. So here's the question.
Do you believe a small town like that might support an up-and-coming hifi business that sells receivers, speakers like PS Audio, KEF, and other manufacturers at a lower price point until the store can handle more expensive items? The closest "electronics store," Electronics Express, is nearly an hour and a half away. I have had an audio shop since 2003, beginning in Florida. Thoughts?