Stands for LS3/5a's

Looking for recommendations for stands for LS 3/5a's. Is there a definitive one for use on hardwood floors?
Much appreciated.
One particular stand for any LS 3/5a is the Foundation DesignersII stands.In fact any small monitors speakers should use this stands,this stands would improve most areas of the LS 3/5a, bass would be more extended, mids would be airy and solid and highs would become more airy and detail.The Foundation are 24" high and weighs about 50 pounds,the top plates are 7"x6", they comes with spikes which are removable and couple your speakers to the stands by using blu-tak.(manufacture recommended)
I would def recommend the Tool One made by Music Tools in italy. they are not cheap but def worth the effort...
With LS3/5A's you need to have your ears about mid height between the woofer and the tweeter, so it depends on the
height of your listening chair. Don't go too short, or you'll miss some of the magic and you'll always be looking down at the musical presentation. They don't necessarily require massive stands, but the stands shouldn't ring either.

I found in a few instances that adding something heavy on the top will help also, but it's important to remember that
one of the reasons LS3/5A's sound the way they do is their cabinet resonance. If you damp too many panels (especially the sides and back) it can get too dry sounding. Kind of reminiscent of the bigger Harbeths and some Japanese designs where the cabinet resonance is part of the voicing. If you change the cabinet *poof* there goes some of the magic. But a little weight on top doesn't seem to alter it much and can provide benefits.

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