Stand mount speakers to replace Magnepan 1.6’s

I am looking for recommendation for stand mount speakers that I can use to replace my twenty year old 1.6 Magnepans. 
Due to a move to a new home, my 1.6’s don’t have the space behind them to allow for their ideal sound to be realized without moving them back and fourth from the wall behind them the four to five feet they require.

Stand mount speakers would allow me to move them forward more easily when listening to my music. I love the Magnepan sound, but realize that stand mount speakers will not duplicate the sound of the 1.6’s and I am willing to accept that fact.. Can anyone recommend stand mount speakers that might work for me. My listening room is large, 20’+ wide by 26’ deep, with 9’ ceilings. I use an older system of a Belles 150 A solid state amp with Sonic Frontier tube pre, DAC and phono separates.  I would like to keep the cost new or used to $5,000 or less. 
Any recommendation would be appreciated.



Showing 1 response by sml19


How large is the room you use your ohm 1000’s in?
Ohm recommended their 3000’s talls for my room size. what typical distance do you position the ohm’s from the wall behind them?