Stan Warren mod of 9000es and 333es

Yesterday, I spoke with Stan Warren, he finished upgrade to my 9000es and send it to me. In about a month, I will post my listening experience, now since many people were interested in this (or similar 333es) mod I briefly report that Stan told me: Most of parts ate surface mounted and therefore due to their small size substitution is difficult. He installed Black Gate capacitors in power supply as well as in signal path, exchanged op-amp from poorly sounding to nuch better sounding (surpisingly not more expensive, I think Sony people simply did not perform listening tests if specs are OK), changed wiring, reduce output impedance to about 100 ohms and few other things. His sonic expression was that it became spacier and airy (exactly what doctor order). Of course, after break-in (3-4 weeks, usually) sound will be even better. Price is $250 plus shipping. He can be reached at 541/344 - 3696 PST time zone. Simon

Showing 2 responses by trelja

From everything I have heard of about Stan Warren, his reputation is impeccable. However, the cost of the mods to these players seems excessive. The modifications seem to be minimal; most of the benefit will be brought about by the insertion of the Black Gate capacitors. While I am sure there will be an improvement, I am left wondering... Not trying to ruffle any feathers, just questioning the answers. To accept things without questioning eventually leads to being taken advantage of. I do not mind at all in being proven wrong here.
Thanks to Simon and Ehider. Exactly the kind of information I was looking for. The player sounds intriguing, as I used to be very familiar with the Timbre products, and found them very good. As I said about Stan, there doesn't seem to be many who come in contact with him who aren't left impressed.