Stainless Steel columns for speaker stands

I'm looking for two 18" polished stainless steel columns 4" in diameter for speaker stands I'm building. Basically two tubes open both ends. Anyone with any information would
be much appreciated.


Showing 3 responses by markeetaux

The stainless steel tube will only be cosmetic. It will go over a 3.5" hardwood post with a black rubber gaskets on the base and under the top plate. It will match a low level granite slab with 2.5" diameter polished stainless steel legs that I bought via the internet 3 years ago. I can't for the life of me remember where I got them. Hence the need for help.

Elevick, for 18" length I'm hoping for $100 for the two. I don't think I will spend alot more.
The table legs are 2.5" by 14" were about $18 a pop.
Thanks George,
What a site, complete with photoshop created images.
I Love it. Thats the good news, the bad news is that they want my budget for one tube.
As luck would have it, I called a metal fabricator locally and found exactly what I want cut to size with a no.8 finish for $150 for both tubes. If interested, I'll post a photo of the stands when finished.