Stack Audio-SmoothLAN Network Filter- WOW!

I just received this item that I purchased from Stack Audio after being impressed with the AUVA 100 Speaker footers.

For any of the Audio Streamers out there, my initial comment as to this item: The SmoothLAN Network Filter is WOW!

From first plug in, the soundstage deepened and widened immensely. How the heck this occurs is nothing short of amazing. I have tried many of the major brand ethernet filters, and some of them, maybe, did something. But not enough to keep them. I either sent them back or sold them. I did however keep an iFi Silencer unit.

My digital streaming consists of an EtherRegen sending out the signal via Fiber to my Lumin X1. I have the Stack Audio device going into the EtherRegen from the Modem.

And, since I have my Apple TV coming out of the EtherRegen it will be interesting to see if the Video improves.

Check out the review in EAR.

Stack Audio Smooth-LAN For Clean Streaming | The Ear (



Just ordered the Stack Smooth Lan and I will be able to tell you if it is an EE1 soon. Sa stated in the reviews they are very, very similar. I have been using an EE1 for over a year now. 

I got my smoothLan a week ago and have been running it in. 

Do u guys use the provided short length ethernet cable or swap it out for something else? 

Based largely on this thread I ordered a Smoothlan last Saturday night and it showed up at my door in Canada Thursday afternoon. I’ve tried many filters and isolators in my system with some having a negative impact, some no difference, and some making a very subtle but seemingly positive difference that I doubt I could consistently identify in a blind A/B. I have it placed at the last point in the chain just ahead of an Innuos Zenith Mk3 acting as HQPlayer NAA where based on previous experience with filters/isolators I’ve been most able to detect how a unit performs. The impact of the Smoothlan was not subtle. I already had a very wide soundstage and there was no obvious change in that aspect, but the degree of clarity and depth added is shocking and with no negatives. Tone and dynamics all remain excellent. Wow is right. It makes no sense to me how this little box is doing this. Now the question: do I try to add another one or possibly try a Muon Pro which I’m really having a hard time justifying….

I feel the same as you. I'd like to try a NA Muon Pro also to see if there is a difference.