Stable Platter Transports

Hello all,

I'm a fan of the sound I get from my EAD T-1000 transport, which I've had in my system for 6 years or so.

I am putting together a higher end system for the listening room, and am thinking about the CD transport as the last item to complete the arrangement.

I am thinking about getting a used transport so I can get another that uses the Stable Platter mechanism. Any suggestions on high quality transports?

I know about the EAD Ultradisk 2000, which was their last CD only transport, and that is probably my frontrunner right now.

I would be interested in any other transport suggestions that will fall in the $1000 dolllar range. I guess Theta used the S.P. for some transports? Who else?

Associated Equipment:

EAD Theatermaster 8 Signature
Pass Labs X-150
Synergistic cables
Hales Concept 3 speakers

Thanks everyone, and have a great holiday season.


Showing 1 response by gunbei

Hi Michael. I've owned a Theta Pearl for about 8 months, and yes it does use the Stable Platter. I work with computers with CD ROM drives all day, so when I get home sometimes I hesitate a bit because I have to remember to put the CD into the Theta label side down. The Pearl is the only transport I've ever owned so I'm no help as far as sonic comparisons go. If you have any questions about their transports, Ed Deitemeier with Theta Digital is very helpful. You should be able to wrangle one for $600 or less used if you decide to go that way. Also, I've read a lot of good things about the EAD transports, so if you buy one let us know how it works out. Good luck.