SS preamps with two XLR inputs and at least four outputs [two of them XLR]

I am having trouble finding a SS preamp with at least two XLR inputs [plus the usual two or three RCA ones] and at least four outputs [two of them XLR]. This combination is not very common.
Can anyone help me? 
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Showing 2 responses by effischer

McIntosh offers a number of preamps with XLR in & out.  Keep your eyes peeled for second hand units here or contact Audio Classics for models, features and pricing.
FWIW, the McIntosh C50 features 2 pair of XLR inputs, 7 pair of RCA inputs, 1 pair of MC RCA inputs, 1 pair of MM RCA inputs, 3 pair of XLR outputs, 3 pair of RCA outputs and an RCA external processor loop (1 pair in + 1 pair out).  There are also 5 digital inputs:  2 TOSLINK, 2 SPDIF and 1 USB.  XLR and RCA inputs (except phono and processor) are all user-assignable.

Sounds to me like that might cover all your bases and then some.  C47 and C48 are more compact alternatives that also offer 2 pair of XLR inputs and 2 pair of XLR outputs along with multiple RCA I/O pairs.  If you want to add HT capability, MX135, 136, 150 and 151 also meet or exceed your minimum numbers.  The MX range is physically quite large, though.

All are more-or-less readily available used.  Surf around and you'll for sure find what you want.  Good luck and happy hunting!