SS Preamp+valve Amp vs Valve Preamp+SS Amp

Hi, I have been wondering for quite a while as what would be the sonic differences between (1)SS Preamp+ Valve Amp
(2) Valve Preamp+ SSAmp . I can only think of the benefit of (2)is smoother highs and better bass-slam.I just don't understand the philosophy behind (1)-(one of the company reportedly using Pure Class A design for the preamp section,while using 2 ESL34 per channel for the output. what would be the sonic advantages of it? ). Your opinion and suggestion is highly appreciated and thanks in advance
There are archived threads addressing this subject. I have tried both ways (plus all-tube and all-SS), but I won't make generalizing statements, because my experiences only apply to the gear that I used, not all such combinations. I will say that using SS preamplification can give a lower noise floor than tubes, a possible advantage you seem not to have considered. IMO, the tube pre/SS amp combo is the more popular alternative, but right now I am running the reverse combo with excellent results (though my latest gear is the highest-end I've yet gone in both departments). As usual, SS seems to have all the theoretical advantages on paper, whether for preamplification or power amplification - all, that is, except often for the sound... :-)
Very interesting question!
I have noticed that most audiophiles prefers 1) combination,
2) combination seems to me more reasonable because cost of maintenance would be much lower, I silently hope that they would be sonically equal, because this is what I'm going to do...
push/pull amp designs whether solid state or tube are more compatible with most conventional loudspeakers(particularly those which are not incredibly efficient). mating ss with tubes in any order is simply a matter of taste when it comes to the presentation,and many manufacturers believe the best sound comes from using the best of each technology....your ears(not the build type)will determine which combo makes the most sense. most companies build pre and power combinations to be used together for best results ,regardless of type.