SS/Mono Amps Warm,Musical,Detailed

Looking for some suggestions on SS/Mono amps that sound Warm but are very Musical and Detailed...But reasonably priced.
I was wondering if the Monarchy Deluxe-100's or the Odyssey Stratos amps are the answer??
Any Suggestions????

Showing 6 responses by muralman1

The new upstart H2O company makes extremely powerful stereo amps for $3000 and less, that house the same module as the astronomically priced class D Rowland amps. They are as detailed as an amp gets, yet always musical. They are a tad on the warm side of neutral. They produce a huge stage with tremendous depth, are lightning fast, and are truly analog.
Mick, glad you asked. The H2O stereo can power any speaker. I have mine doing wonders for 1 ohm speakers. So far, I have only heard a loaner prototype on dynamic speakers, Green Mountain. It was eery. The H2O provides a huge soundstage - very deep. The Green Mountains dissapeared.
There is no link to H2O amps yet, other than an email address. The builder has been finding it hard to find the time necessary to build a web site.

I can tell you there are people I know who are selling off Evo, Krell, eAR, Pass, HSA, and Rowland amps, for a stereo or mono H2O.

The startup company H2O is going to be in full production sometime next month, including a web site.
NO!!!!!!!! Henry Ho lives a continent away. He an I are members of an Apogee user group, and, though we never have met, we consider ourselves friends. So far, the H2O is a one man company. I think Henry was surprised at his amp's instant success, and was caught unprepared for the activity. I understand he has got the help of a friend there to develope a badly needed site.

I bought his mono amps to drive my nearly impossible to drive 1 ohm, 76db Apogee Scintillas. I had run Pass Labs X600 monos and the eAR2 MKII subsequently on them. The H2O is leagues better.

I'm not financially affiliated with H2O. I am just lucky enough to know Henry. That put me among the first ten in line to get the amps. There are other happy owners, I just happen to be more vocal.
Yes, that is an amp load. Ken Kessler, audio reviewer, has been using them as his reference speakers for many years.

It is wonderful there are affordable amps now in the H2O that can fully realize the magic in the Scintilla's ribbons.
Those who have heard any Rowland and the far less expensive H2O have judged the H2O a clear winner.