SS integrated amp that has tube like qualities

I'm looking for someone who has real experience with several solid state integrated amplifiers that could provide me with a recommendation.

I'm looking for a solid state integrated, if one exists, with a tube like presentation. I mostly listen to male and female vocalists and are looking for an integrated that excells in midrange warmth/bloom, and richness/sweetness, while maintaining sonic clarity.

I believe that the Ayre may meet my expectations, but is a bit expensive even in the used market.

Are there any other less expensive choices? Thanks in advance...

Please do not recommend any class D amplification. I have had several, including the new Wyred and they are not my cup of tea.
As Cmalak stated in his response, I was only asking a generic question whether anyone had first hand experienced a SS integrated that had tube like characteristics, and that was pretty much it. end of story.

Thank you all that have provided some insight!

During my forty years in the hobby, I have owned many tube, tube hybrids, and solid state amps/integrateds. I was not looking for an integrated amp recommendation to match a particular pair of one my speakers.

I dont get around much, and was hoping that some of you that have had the pleasure of listening to a vast amount of gear out there may be able to help.

However, in response to a post here today, if I were trying to offer assistance to someone who was trying to match an amp with a pair of speakers, I might ask him to tell me about his room first!

So, I am greatful to all who offered their experiences. I will take a look at the recommendations, and go from there.

Thanks again..
Sorry Phaelon, I meant to give you thanks for your support, but messed up by writing Cmalak instead. My apologies...
not sure if you are looking for new stuff or used but I owned a Classe CAP150 that seemed like what you are describing, on the warm side but still detailed. I kind of regret selling it. There are a few iterations of it, CAP100, CAP151 etc. I have no experience with the newer stuff from Classe.
First post:
" provide me with a recommendation."
"I'm looking for a solid state integrated"

Later post:
"I was only asking a generic question whether anyone had first hand experienced a SS integrated that had tube like characteristics, and that was pretty much it. end of story."

I'm sorry I intruded