SS amps with little or NO feedback

I'd like to explore amps with little or no feedback.
Global feedback is a no-no but some feedback a stage at a time may be acceptable.
Any names to look for? Since I want higher power, class 'a' need not apply.

There are enough theoretical problems with my 'd' amp that I'm seriously considering a 'sidegrade'.
thanks for any leads.
Kijanki, if it is a true balanced differential design the main harmonic created will the the 3rd, not the 2nd. All the even orders should cancel. This is true of tube or transistor designs.

Atmasphere - that's what I said. I don't care if sweet sounding second harmonic is canceled (by true balanced amp) while it still might produce unpleasant odd harmonics. Main benefit of true balanced design for me is high common mode rejection - perhaps not worth increased cost.