squeezebox versus airport express

In todays New York Times, David Pogue writes a glowing review of "Squeezebox", a wireless devise to stream from a computer to your stereo.


Presently I do this with Airport express which I find satisfactory. Do the bells and whistles of squeeze box make it a must have in favor of the airport?

Showing 1 response by joncourage

Never heard the AE, but am VERY happy with my SB3.

As far as remote control, because the SB music server software is basically a webserver, you can use virtually any web-browser as a remote control, from your laptop to a Windows mobile hand-held. Because Slimserver is open source, there are a ton of options for remote control of the virtual jukebox.

Far as comparing, I'd really only listen to the opinion of someone who's actually a/b'd them on the same system in terms of anything approaching an empirical analysis. Anecdotally, since Slim Devices is focused solely on an audio device and gets tons of focused feedback from audiophiles - their CTO and CEO regulary partipipate in their online forums - and because they seem to be targeting a more audio-savvy markey, I've got to think the SB3 might be a superior audio solution to an Apple mass-market solution. Certainly possible that's false reasoning, but seems somewhat logical to me. Only a side-by-side test would tell for sure.

Anyway, my $$ will usually go to a small competitor (Slim vs Apple) when all else is even close to equal.