Squeezebox Touch: jitter thru wi-fi?

I'm looking into a SB Touch to go with a non-dedicated PC, and to feed my preamp (so initially, I'll use the Touch's DAC).

Eventually I plan to buy an external DAC, and I'm interested in the asynch USB DACs, which are supposed to avoid jitter through that interface. There's a Touch tweak going around to turn the USB input into an output, so that would be a preferred way to connect to said DAC.

Now how about mistimmings in the data transfer (jitter) through my wi-fi from PC to Touch? Is that an issue?


Showing 4 responses by kijanki

Mapman - I noticed a few second delay with my Airport Express. I think they fill the buffer to prevent drop-outs in case of interference. Jitter-wise AE was tested by Stereophile and measured word jitter on digital output was respectable 250ps.
Mapman, I have dropouts sometimes (once a week) - much better now since I found microwave oven frequency in its manual and changed wireless channel away from it. Ideal would be to switch to 802.11n (5GHz) but my MacMini doesn't support it.
Mapman, that might be true but it has nothing to do with resolution of the system mentioned in the statement.
The worse case for two channel spdif is 24bit at 192kHz.
24 bit data is transferred in 32bit packets (8 bit preamble).

32bit x 2channels x 192kHz = 12.3Mbps

802.11g runs at up to 54Mbps while 802.11n more than doubles it.