Squeezebox Touch: jitter thru wi-fi?

I'm looking into a SB Touch to go with a non-dedicated PC, and to feed my preamp (so initially, I'll use the Touch's DAC).

Eventually I plan to buy an external DAC, and I'm interested in the asynch USB DACs, which are supposed to avoid jitter through that interface. There's a Touch tweak going around to turn the USB input into an output, so that would be a preferred way to connect to said DAC.

Now how about mistimmings in the data transfer (jitter) through my wi-fi from PC to Touch? Is that an issue?


Showing 1 response by audioengr

Jitter is only an issue with the clock and S/PDIF output of the Touch, not the WiFi transfer. Only dropouts can occur with the WiFi interface. These are not jitter. Dropouts are rare and depend on the usage of your ethernet network.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio