Squeezebox Touch: jitter thru wi-fi?

I'm looking into a SB Touch to go with a non-dedicated PC, and to feed my preamp (so initially, I'll use the Touch's DAC).

Eventually I plan to buy an external DAC, and I'm interested in the asynch USB DACs, which are supposed to avoid jitter through that interface. There's a Touch tweak going around to turn the USB input into an output, so that would be a preferred way to connect to said DAC.

Now how about mistimmings in the data transfer (jitter) through my wi-fi from PC to Touch? Is that an issue?


Showing 1 response by almarg

802.11g runs at up to 54Mbps
Not in the real world. 15 mbps would be a reasonable expectation for a fairly optimal setup, and I'm sure that less than 10 is not uncommon.

I don't have a feel yet for typical 802.11n performance, but given that the theoretical maximums that were advertised for a, b, and g were all essentially fictional, I'd be surprised if the same didn't apply there.

Best regards,
-- Al