Squeezebox interfacing???


Please help me clarify the functional aspect of the following ideal system for me please...

Laptop (Basic Dell)
DAC (PS Audio Link)
Pre-amp (Adcom)
Amp (Adcom)

1. Laptop wirelessly sees the SQ using the software with the SQ.

2 SQ is ethernet connected to a fast external hard drive and pulls the files out of HD.

3. SQ outputs optically to DAC.

4. DAC does it's wonders and RCA's out to pre-amp.

5. Pre-Amp would STILL be the main component to affect volume and sound adjustments.

Pushing songs through the system can be done through the computer interface AND/OR with the SQ device right?

This mean there are atleast two components a person would have to interface with in order to play and control the system.

Archaic... but will function, please correct me if I'm mistaken.

Thank you

Showing 1 response by rdc2000

Peter - With the new squeezebox duo a computer does not have to be on. Don't think that's the case with SB3. You should to check with slim devices. You should also ask them if they recommend particular NAS drives. The Duo is brand new so they may not have much of a track record yet.

But Sonos, who has had the capability from the beginning has a pretty extensive list on their site of known compatibility issues with NAS drives. That's not to scare you off, I think NAS is THE way to go. But they aren't all the same so a little research before you buy is good.