Squeezebox interfacing???


Please help me clarify the functional aspect of the following ideal system for me please...

Laptop (Basic Dell)
DAC (PS Audio Link)
Pre-amp (Adcom)
Amp (Adcom)

1. Laptop wirelessly sees the SQ using the software with the SQ.

2 SQ is ethernet connected to a fast external hard drive and pulls the files out of HD.

3. SQ outputs optically to DAC.

4. DAC does it's wonders and RCA's out to pre-amp.

5. Pre-Amp would STILL be the main component to affect volume and sound adjustments.

Pushing songs through the system can be done through the computer interface AND/OR with the SQ device right?

This mean there are atleast two components a person would have to interface with in order to play and control the system.

Archaic... but will function, please correct me if I'm mistaken.

Thank you

Showing 1 response by doug_kraz

call logitec/slim devices tech support. Get bounced UP their chain and talk to Julius. He is the man. Note: they just released a new version of their server, and it is a bit buggie still.
