Springs under turntable

I picked up a set of springs for $35 on Amazon. I intended to use them under a preamp but one thing led to another and I tried them under the turntable. Now, this is no mean feat. It’s a Garrard 401 in a 60pound 50mm slate plinth. The spring device is interesting. It’s sold under the Nobsound brand and is made up of two 45mm wide solid billets of aluminum endcaps with recesses to fit up to seven small springs. It’s very well made. You can add or remove springs depending on the weight distribution. I had to do this with a level and it only took a few minutes. They look good. I did not fit them for floor isolation as I have concrete. I played a few tracks before fitting, and played the same tracks after fitting. Improvement in bass definition, speed, air, inner detail, more space around instruments, nicer timbre and color. Pleasant surprise for little money.

Showing 38 responses by mahgister

With springs its very important they be tuned to the mass of the component.
Yes it is very important and i had the experience of audible differences with a modification of less than 1 % of the compressive mass...(between 100 and 200 grams)

But for those who will use them with small speakers, easy to damp with a load, the use of the boxes springs ask for a DIFFERENTIAL tuned compressive force to eliminate or decrease internal resonance and not only isolate the speaker....

I try an experiment that make an astonishing difference...

I put 4 springs boxes under the damping load on top of my speakers,(75 pounds ) and the differential tuned compressive force created by the addition of the speaker weight, in addition to the damping load, on the springs boxes located directly under my speakers themselves, decrease the standing wave negative power of the internal resonance of the speaker and gives a more natural timbre and a better imaging at the end..
( It was very important and it takes me a few days to fine tuned, this time for the 2 set of boxes springs, the damping load)

For speakers where it is possible to do it, a differential tuned compressive force is very amazing...

Springs are good isolation but they had their own problem and are not perfect, nothing is....But with a differential tuned compressive force they are near perfect yes for speakers....2 problems are there: isolation and resonance....

I wrote that because i had see no one making that experiment ....It seems all use only 4 springs boxes under the speakers and it is not an optimal solution for me because of these 2 problems....

And that experiment solve for me the mechanical embedding of the speakers .....

My springs boxes are on top of a multi layered sandwich platform on my desk, near other components, then it was very important for me to solve that vibrations problem on my desk....... It is done at peanuts costs....

For the electrical grid embedding i create my own solution also not perfect but very effective...The more complex to solve was the acoustical embedding... I just make other improvement today with devices controls of my own and i will speak about that in my thread tomorrow....

My best to you....
mahgister, You may hear what you say you hear, but the phrase "damp the internal resonance" as a mechanism for what you hear is unclear.
You are right, it is unclear, especially for me....

I only tried to convey my experience....

I tought previously that only springs fine tuned under my speakers could and would do the job...

I was wrong....

Adding some mass on the load to compensate for the weight of the speaker itself and create a slight difference between the load on the springs that are under the speaker and those that are directly under the load on top of the speakers, create a better vibrations controls mechanism...

The only explanation that comes to my mind is that the 2 sets of springs with a slight difference in compression decrease the power of the standing waves negative impact that are associated with resonance...

But i am not a scientist by far...

The only fact is the fact i observed relatively to the tonal accuracy with a second set of springs.... The results is amazing and audible immediately...

Then i will wait for other’s explanation....

Putting the speaker on springs will make it worse.
This is not my ears impressions...

I know my ears are biased.... :)

This does nothing for cabinet resonance, vibrating panels.
2 set of springs boxes instead of one with small difference in load on them will damp the internal resonance...It is very audible... Audible immediately in the naturalness of timbre.....

I know my ears are biased.... :)

Bars of gold bullion perhaps?
Not at all, petrified old heads will do.....

My 2 set of springs(4 boxes under each speaker and 4 boxes on top of each speaker and those then directly under the load) are slightly differently compressed by a difference around 8 pounds( the weigh of the speakers+ the load for one set of boxes and only the load for the other set of boxes)... This fact is important....

Then the distribution of the resonance pattern inside the speakers are modified so much that it is possible to immediately hears the difference.... It is not a difference in the direction toward bass frequencies or high frequencies, even if they improved, instead more a direction toward better mids frequencies and better timbre tonality and a better imaging then....A naturalness impossible for me to get with only one set of boxes under the speakers even if the load is fine tuned for them....

I think no one has use the spring boxes in this way, then even with springs internal speakers resonance has a destructive effect that goes unnoticed .... I realize that after my experiment....Adding a second set of boxes decrease internal resonance interferences...

No cat or children allowed in my audio room, and even my wife give me the dust cleaner to use it myself here.....I think that only ghosts of great composers go trough my room but their spectral wandering pose no threat to the equilibrium of this tower of springs, plates, and slabs of concrete.....I will look for some load more dense and compact than concrete..... :)

i forget to clarify the fact that if i related my experience here it is only to  inform people about the unbeknownst negative impact of internal resonance of speakers on timbre in particular....This negative impact was always there unbeknownst to me with one set of springs..... That is my experience....

I am perfectly conscious that putting 75 pounds of concrete on top of speakers with 2 sets of springs boxes under the speakers and under the load is NOT a solution for most people....It is one for me and perhaps for someone else....

My best....
I would lose sleep imagining one or more of my cats splattered under a 75lb slab of concrete they knocked off the top of a speaker.......

Not likely I admit but who knows......
I will never do what i do in a common room,nor with children or cat....


But i do what work.....And it is working great....

I have learn that the negative impact of internal resonance of the speakers on musical timbre is underestimated....Particularly with springs...

But with this placement my sound has never been so natural....In all my listening positions...

Anyway i am pretty sure nobody has think about springs under and above speakers....

That’s it.... It is done....

Hifi for peanuts is my "mot de passe"....Shocking for some, impossible for most..... But i made it.....

And yes "Ron Carter is in my room"....

My best to all.....
I had an idea...I think that a fine tuned damp mass in the speakers will do marvel but i cannot make it myself....


But then i think that doubling the springs at the 2 ends of the speakers would be better and an improvement because the removing of resonance would be facilitated, less than with a fine tune damped mass but anyway.... That worked....

I put 4 (chinese copy of the nobsound springs) new  boxes with the 7 springs on top of the speakers adding only a few pounds of concrete to my already heavy load( around 75 pounds ).

More details in the imaging and better bass without negative impact on the higher frequencies...

Now my speakers are between 8 springs boxes each...

Total success....

Very low cost....

The mechanical embedding of an audio system is very important....Resonance kill the naturalness of timbre....To conduct listening test to finetune your springs installation for speakers, always listen to the instrument timbre first and last, not only to the frequencies affected by modifications....
Mahgister, Ron Carter is not in your room. You have no where near the power and the wrong kind of loudspeakers to image a full size acoustic bass. The best you can do is come up with a miniature version.
I cannot argue against what you just said.... Probably true if i compare my modest system to yours...

But the point is for me that does not sound miniature Ron Carter but like the real thing... I dont doubt that compared to your system it is the miniature version but to me that does not sound so drastically far off of what is yours...

By the way in my small room my amplifier is very good and the Mission speakers fills all the room....

The room is more important than the number of watts and in my small room big Magnepans will not do anything better because they need space to breathe....

Room controls is more important than any amplifier and more important than the speakers.... I am sure you know already that....You know already what room controls reveal....

But Room controls can be made by any humble ears trust me .... The only impediment is the amount of time it will take in months (2 years for me to figure it out)...

I cannot afford your computerized control and i dont feel the need for it....I dont doubt that it can be very useful at all....But most people would never think or be able to afford one.... And i cannot stay silent and i must say my experience and truth also.... So some need computerized room control and it is useful for sure, but ALL people, not only the happy few, need a "kind" of room control....An ears created one or a computerized one.... I dont underestimated your computer at all , but dont underestimate the ears workings with time....

A system is completed when you listen the music no more the sound, at any price.....I will listen "miniature" life real version of Ron Carter this evening ..... :)

It is not so much me that will be astonished by your top system,( i dont doubt it is better than mine at all) it is you who will be astonished by the sound of a low cost system in a room like the lair of a mad scientist ..... :)

My price/ quality S.Q. is very good.....Impossible to beat in fact, i think really so..... :)

My system cost around 500 dollars, dac+amplifier+speakers.... A few times more for the cost of the things necessary for my homemade devices....

Anybody can afford Hi-fi, it is my experience and conclusion of my experiments.... Controls of the 3 embeddings gives H-Fi experience, a"miniature" Hi-Fi experience but a real one..... :)

My best to you and thanks for your patience with me....

Ron Carter is already in my room.... Imaging is so good the sound exist independantly of the speakers....

And "liveliness" is a quality in acoustic linked to among many factors with the reverberation time and synchronisation and participate among at least 5 others characteristics to define the mysterious fact of "timbre" in acoustic...

I dont know if a computer program can modify the reverberation time in a specific room with a specific varied content ....Playing with frequencies he can compensate to a certain degree but using it positively for a set of ears in particular in the perception of timbre, i think that it cannot....

The " liveliness" of my sound result from my playing and work among other factors with this reverberation timing....The guide was my ears.....Ordinary ears by the way.... The myth of bat ears is a bad joke by some to discredit the use of our "biased" ears in audio, ears with which i listen to music without being able to de-biased them to this day...I know that computer formulas can make the room perfect for non biased and perfect ears tough....But not for mine Alas! :)

If someone designed a big void room especially and only for music and for a crowd, a set of law applies very well and straightforwardly...

If someone want to accomodate a small Room with an already disparate acoustical content (furnitures, coofins, books etc) for a pair of specific ears, using these biased ears is for me necessary.....Laws under the guise of computer algorithm will lack something and will miss some fact to work with like reverberation time for a particular set of ears(mine) in a small ordinary room and not for the crowd in a big musical hall....Reverberation time for example cannot play the same role in these 2 different locations....

Liveliness is not reducible to transparency for example....

By the way i am not a scientist, only a nut without money who create his own heaven by homemade device only.....

I succeed to my satisfaction..... :)
Every electronically-based room equalizer that I have ever heard does far more damage to the sound than it does good for the sound. So I agree with your strategy of altering the room, rather than the signal to give you your desired response at your listening seat.
Tonal timbre accuracy is too complex to be measured by computer program for sound....It takes ears to correct the room...

I correct mine with an astounding success on all counts by ears on a many months of experiments listenings, with TONAL TIMBRE accuracy, not frequencies of the bass... Now my bass are so intense and clear you will not believe what i take to reach that....(7 inches driver i hear with my stomach)

The important point, no ready made formula correcting frequencies can beat your ears to establish the best room possible for perception of timbre....

The same room is different for different ears, then also the fact that it must be FOR YOUR EARS that you work a room treatment not for a program or for another person.... 

All people speaking about bass are beside the point for me....

I dont need a woofer nor bass traps....Not even a program...

All treatment and controls cost peanuts....


« The room is the third ear »-Groucho Marx
My experience is the adjustment is less difficult with some choices of music you know very well...

Choose violins solo and in mass.... For higher frequencies...

Choose brass ensemble with tuba, trombone, trumpet and horn... for the bass level...

for example : Empire Brass playing Gabrielli

Human voice solo is useful indeed .....

Always adjust in relation to timbre accuracy never in relation to clarity only  or bass....
I think that using prings under a turntable must be very delicate indeed.... And it is not the same at all than under speakers....

These nobsound MUST be adjusted near 1 % of optimal compression....For a turntable it is way much delicate and refine adjusment necessary even about the structural properties of springs themselves more than for speakers....

That explain some difficulties with springs under turntable....

Under my speakers they are fantastic at the express condition to be very adjusted.....You cannot do that in one or 2 trying....

Beware of much clarity in the sound....The first clue that all is OK come from a better timbre accuracy not clarity only.... I made this error the first listening, i concluded too early that all was ok.... I corrected the load a couple of times and when the tonal accuracy was there all was positive on all counts.... No trade-off....
I keep indeed my springs isolated from the floor(in my case my desk) with my "sandwiches( quartz feet, 2 grannite plates with sorbothane duro 70 in betwween and cork plate and bamboo plate)..

Relating to fine tuning the load by weight, you may want to consider using a suitably sized and shaped container appropriately filled with sand or crushed rock.
Good idea...  :)
I may experiment with a couple springs under my phono or DAC but they will have their work cut out to beat the current porcelain ex ham radio 1" inverted cones under them right now.
They are perhaps the tool to use for a dac better than springs..... Thanks for the information....

Adding 6 Nob loose springs under the six tube phono amp brought improved clarity, musicality, vocal diction, speed and dimensional perception of instruments in the soundstage. BUT it reduced bass weight and enhanced upper mids to the point of coloration.
They are not enough compressed.....

The rate of compression must be adjusted around 1%..... On any springs application if i go with my experience with mine....My speakers rightly adjusted gives me the better natural timbre i ever had but it takes me few days of listening....The first sign that all is rightly adjusted is NOT first the clarity, it is the naturalness of timbre, at first this new clarity induce me in error..... To decide we must listen to instrument like violin higher notes to hear their timbre, etchy or natural, lacking body or not.... :)

For turntable(i dont have one) mass loading the springs under the turntable, like recommended by rixthetrick, is the solution indeed....Then it is possible to adjust by varying the loading mass by ears around 1% ( + or -).

Using prings is NOT a tweak....

It is one of the essential way to embed the gear in the mechanical dimension of his working use....

"Tweak" are minor refinement or not, not always necessary..... Springs are indispensable tool to embed any gear in their vibration/resonance dimension (mechanical)....Tweak can modify or adding something that is not always wished for ( like my "sandwiches" that were a tweak wanting to be a control method but lacking the power of springs to be one)....Controls methods for the embedding DONT ADD something, rather they put the gear in the best of his conditions to reach his optimal level....Springs are essential and dont change the tone of my speakers at all if they are rightfully adjusted, rather they reveal the TRUE color of my speakers under the condition where vibrations/ resonance are controlled... Tweak are a fad + or - useful, or an attempt , a bid + or - successful, springs are necessary tool to any speakers.....

Just sayin for those who thinks lightly, or superficially ... :)

A bought bunch of tweaks will never be a method of listening experiments....
I forget to say that refining the load around 1 % affect the frequencies so much that it is audible on the instrument timbre expression... I was listening violins when i discover that i was with 2 pounds overweight.... Adjusting it was spectacular in the sense that suddenly all timbre expression become more natural....


Then pay much attention to the load or the number of springs or the design of the springs itself especially for a turntable but anyway for any applications.... The taking off springs will be too gross ajustement for most turntables...

I think that other springs will be better for most turntable, depending of their weight in relation to the springs diameter, turns, mass etc....
These springs can be very good with one turntable because of their measures numbers and size and numbers possible adjustment, and not so much with another turntable.... People must be conscious of this...

Springs adjustment to the load to isolate in relation to frequencies is really something necessary to compute....

It is more easy with a varying load on speakers to compute with the ears, than with a turntable and only the 7 varying number of springs to play with....


We will need rixthetrick.... :)

But i dont have a turntable....:)

UPDATE on my nobsound springs adjustment...

The adjustment by adding load is more delicate than i said at first ...

A difference of 2 pounds of load, not 4 pounds, on around 90 pounds of load in total, make a substantial difference in the high frequencies mostly but also all across the spectrum...

A little more than 1% variation in the load is critical....

Keeping off a number of springs from the 7 in the 4 boxes on each speakers would be a too much gross adjustement.... I prefer then with my speakers varying the damping slabs of concrete....For the last tweaking of the load i use 2 plaster book-end on each speakers because they weigh half the weight of a brick, around 2 pounds...

I think that would be very delicate for a turntable, because it is delicate and had take some listening time for my speakers....

One thing is sure, those that think mechanical embeddings makes a not so great difference, and are only an accidental secondary "tweak" would be surprized....

A "tweak" is only a minor addition, a minor refinement when it work; controlling the embeddings is not minor addition, it is a transformative major action on any audio system, be it mechanical, or electrical or acoustical....I am not interested by accidental "tweak" so much, i am interested by the method and the ways to embed the audio system and his parts.....
I’ve been bringing this up for six months now.
It is true.... I order my springs after reading you 2 months ago....

The nobsound makes no negative audible effects under my speakers... But adjustment is all the job and the most important...

I think around 45- 50% of compression with an adjustment by ears with 4 or 5 pounds of varying weight or around 4 % of precision near the optimal compression will do the job....It is more refine adjustment and more easier to me to put load on the speakers than removing some springs....And i prefer my speakers damped anyway...
« Almost all physics can be reduced to springs behavior and the residual part was never understood anyway» -Groucho Marx

The adjustment of the compressive rate like you already know is very important....

The nobsound will do the job.... easy to adjust, because a variation around 2 to 5 pounds on the 80/90 pounds of possible compressive weight is very audible....

I use them without any negative effect on all spectrum.... But the adjustment must be done around 3 or4 % of the optimal compressive force.... It is possible the effect even with this little variation in compressive force is very audible....It is way more easy to do with the addition or substraction of slab of 5 pounds each than with the substraction of one or 2 or 3 springs.... :) If you substract one spring on the seven you are left with a ratio of 1/7 , 5 pounds is under this ratio of compressive force, it is around 2 times more refine adjustment than taking off only one spring at a time( 2 five pounds slabs equal roughly one spring if we equal the maximum compressive force around 85 pounds on the 7 springs) ...When i speak of taking off one spring i means in each of the four boxes under each speakers.... :)

I prefer to add weight because i want my speakers damped....
In most cases you are going to be better off fixing the speaker to the floor even if you are not on slab.
I am afraid that fixing the speaker to the vibrating floor, and letting external vibration in particular of each one of the speaker resonate near one another, will not do the job.... :)
There may have been a little more air at the top but to my ears it lost mid and bass impact. Not huge but enough to be noticeable.
This is a sign the springs were probably under not enough compression...

It takes me 4 trying to adjust the springs box nobsound....
Congratulations millercarbon....

I own the same set of springs boxes, and the right compression of the springs is very important, i know you know it for sure... i say it for all those who wil buy them....

It takes me 4 trying listening to get it right...

I have around 70 pounds of concrete slabs on top of my speakers, then i think they are pretty optimally compressed with more than 80 pounds on the springs, and when it is right, no defects in the high extension and the bass of my 7 inches drivers is feeled in my chest, the mid frequencies are perfect ....For the turntable it is easy to take off the right amount of springs for the optimal compression...(for my speakers i like them damped ). A variation around 4 of 5 pounds in compressive force is easily audible without problem....

My "sandwichs" of quartz,granite sorbothane, bamboo and cork was great, but when you miss something, you are not always conscious of what you miss, and the sound was smeared not much but enough to create a too much compress mid frequencies and less of extension in the high frequencies and a smeared bass also... .... With the springs smearing of the sound decreased enormously and all is clear but with sweet and warm mid frequencies....

The sound of my Mission speakers is celestial now....They compete the Moabs and i pay them 50 bucks used.... :)

These springs are a bargain....
This is why Harbeths and other BBC designs are superior--you don’t have to worry about any of this s$!t.
Ignorance seems to be bliss indeed.... :)

Any speakers need to be isolated even Harbeth , any speakers/room need to be treat and acoustically controlled even with Harbeth speakers in the room,, and all house electrical grid produce noise floor which is too high even those containing Harbeth speakers....

Idolizing a brand name is not a solution to embeddings necessities.... :)

My springs are on top of this same platform now, where my speakers were before i add springs under them. I keep the"sandwiche" because all my gear are on the same desk....And 2 precautions works better than one.... :)

"Sandwiche" : 4 quartz feet+Granite plate +sorbothane duro 70+granite plate+cork plate+ bamboo plate....I called that a "sandwiche"....

Homemade, peanuts costs and good.... But the springs totally eliminate the residual smearing of the sound...This sandwiche was not completely isolating and the different materials were relatively to some frequencies coupling and not only relatively decoupling, then at the end the S.Q. was way better than nothing, but the addition of springs eliminate much of the unsuspected smearing of the sound at all frequencies....

The acoustic controls of my room do the main job at the end.... And these working of the controls of the room acoustic are way less known than the controls of vibrations and way more important for the final results.... But it is another subject for another thread.... Active acoustic controls and not only passive one....

Controlling vibrations, controlling the electrical noise floor, and controlling the acoustical dimension are what i call controlling the 3 necessary embeddings of any audio system.... :)

Embed everything rightfully before even thinking to upgrade one thing.... :)
I’ve experimented with weights on top of speakers in the past, not on springs and found that it’s easy to overdamp the cabinet. Not always a good thing.
This why God gives me ears: to adjust the weight of the damping mass.... :)

And i use the same ears to adjust the compression of the springs by adding mass to the speakers... It takes me 3 tryings... First not enough: then harshness accent on high frequencies, after that too much weight and darker sound too much accent on the bass or mids bass....

The last one experiment were perfect playing with 2 mass of 5 pounds  ....The critical difference were around adding or substracting 5 pounds of weight on 100 pounds of total mass(speaker mass +concrete slabs)...
The box has to hold the body of the speaker stable so that the energy generated by the amplifier to move the cone is converted only into motion of the cone. This is never perfectly achieved, of course.
The answer to your question is in the "this is never perfectly achieved"...

There is some critical value where resonance and distortions increase, and a treshold under which the distortions and resonance dont implicate an audible effects...

Putting springs under speakers isolate so much well from the other speakers influence and from feed back effect from the floor and from other external vibrations, then the audible effect is beneficial because the movement of the cone is maintained under a critical threshold...The isolation from external influence is less detrimental to the cone movements than some internal resonance from the speakers box without isolation coming from these external factors ,especially from the other twin speaker in the room...

It is not the case when speakers are not isolated properly.... It is the reason why springs are very useful.... Before i use springs i was using my sandwiches of different materials, that was good damping and complementary coupling and decoupling but not so powerful radical decoupling than springs.....The audible effect was way better than using nothing, but a smearing of the sound subsisted that was erased by the presence of the springs....
The reason why i put 80 pounds of concrete on top of my speakers and it work instead of just using the weight of the speakers only to compress the springs....

Isolation of  2 speakers from one another in the same room is important as much that isolation from other external vibrations...You decrease then mutual resonance amplification...
Mahgister, I have decided that there is absolutely no way to explain anything with you.
The explaining in audio made sense AFTER an experiment....Audio is NOT electronic design only but encompass many fields of science in one game...

Explaining BEFORE an experiment is only most of the times pontificating...

I only want to reach High-End with basic average good elements in a controlled environment.... Is it possible? Yes.....Why ? Audio is more akin to acoustic than to electronics....

My simple concept of the 3 embeddings is my way to describe the conditions we must put in place to reach S.Q.

No sellers will sell you Audiophile experience, you must work, but it is easy when you know the direction to go.....

I am not knowledgeable and hand crafty at all....I was only good in my work to explain books to people....But if i can, anybody can.... But we must be a little creative for sure....

My deepest regards to you....

«  Ears are the sound trying to explain itself»- Groucho Marx


Thanks for the book recommendation....

My best...

The physics is complex yes...

But in a word springs isolate the box from the external vibrations, then there is no more resonance between the 2 speakers in the same room...In my case on the same desk....

Internal resonance are probably less enhanced and decreased without any external influence to amplify them...

This is not the explanation for sure just my 2 cents.... I am not a physicist....

No doubt in my mind that with the right compression applied(i tried 3 rate) it is simple for the ears to discern the best compression , too damping weight on the springs and the sound is warmish or muddy, not enough damping weight and the sound is too bright or too harsh...

Right amount and all is improved on all frequencies...

This is audibly evident.... My ears rarely doubt...Perhaps they are easily deluded but they never doubt... :)
How do you explain my results with springs under speakers? with more clear bass and a better mid range and extension in the higher frequencies...

My system is already electrically and acoustically controlled and sensible...

It is not first a physics question, it is a simple experiment to do.... For the physics wait for a physicist who knows speakers design.... :)

Repeating a Newton equation like a mantra is not an experiment that take few minutes to do....

My ears tell me more about speakers on springs now, than any equation.... :)

Instead of arguing it seems more wise to try it.....Especially if more than one has vouched for it.....

But if you want to know if some physicist think that springs under speakers are a good idea, there is some equations here for you, i presume this physicist already know Newton equation.... :)

Vibration Isolation System For Near Field Speakers In Sound Recording Studio


I’m not about to argue with whatever one wants to try putting under one’s turntable, but I think there is a "logical" argument against putting springs or anything spongy (e.g., sorbothane) under speakers. The amplifier is putting energy into the speaker drivers. Ideally you want all that energy to be converted into the motion of the drivers, so as to capture the nuances of the music signal as much as that is possible. If the speaker cabinet is sitting on a surface that can move, then inevitably (as in Newton’s Third Law of motion) some of the energy of the signal delivered from the amplifier is converted into motion of the cabinet, rather than into motion of the driver cone. That can’t be a good thing.

An argument that seems logical do not equal an experiment...

Have you ever try sorbothane in the right condition? No more than springs i think, no?

«I can state flatly that heavier than air flying machines are impossible.»
— Lord Kelvin, 1895 one of the greatest scientist of not only his time but of all time also ...

«It is apparent to me that the possibilities of the aeroplane, which two or three years ago were thought to hold the solution to the [flying machine] problem, have been exhausted, and that we must turn elsewhere.»
— Thomas Edison, November 1895

I will not add that i myself use springs under my speakers, and i will not confirm that this is a great increase in clarity... Nothing of the sort, because this is my opinion but after my own experiment indeed...

And someone will come with some concept only looking sound and will contradict reality....

I will keep silent and smile listening music....

«Opinions were for Plato entertaining illusions in a cave, is it not TV ?» -Groucho Marx

i dont own a turntable...

But i know first hand how vibrations can kill sound...

My speakers are on my desk and all my other gear parts...

My "sandwiches" of different materials were good (quartz/granite/ bamboo/ sorbothane/ cork) but not enough it seems, adding springs under the speakers(i keep the sandwiches under the spring tough, makes an audible clarity increased...

A turntable is so sensible, like a little seismograph, than imagining driving it without special precautions against vibrations is illusory and vouching for disaster S.Q.