Spotify HiFi

Looks like it may actually happen this time. Curious to know what the final monthly will be for this tier?
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtoro3

Showing 1 response by kiwiscott

@toro3 the real solution for the apps is streaming via the upnp solutions like tidal connect or Spotify connect. (Aparently Qobuz coming soon). These solutions support high res as the streamer streams direct from the internet (network).

Doing that lets the app makers have their app as the experience and not that of the streamer service or streamer company. This means someone like Qobuz who put effort around the music, with stories and other content, have another unique selling point. 

Unfortunately this is going to make something like Roon have a smaller market. A good thing is that streamers will be able to be judged on sound quality rather than the quality of the app and sound - to me a win win. 

to bring this all back to the thread I recently swapped for Spotify to get hires from Qobuz via my temporary streamer a WiiM mini. I also use Apple Music because I use it for my teenagers. 

sadly Spotify doesn’t seem to be focusing enough attention to music - the primary reason I dropped them was all the podcast crap complicating the app. The secondary reason was I wanted hi-res.