Spkr cbls & IC's-must they be same brand

I'm relatively new to hi end. I've heard many so-called "expert" opinions on speaker cables and interconnects. Some state that speaker cables and interconnects should be from the same company to sound the best others say no. What are your thoughts?

Showing 1 response by mr_gridlock

Well, I think it's a matter of taste and how good your ear is. Mine's pretty shot I guess, so I can't really hear much difference between two GOOD cables. I'm not going to say you should use the freebie interconnect that comes with the closeout CD player you got from Best Buy or a penny-a-foot speaker wire. However, do listen to some different stuff and see if you CAN hear a difference. There's no reason the same manufacturer is all you should listen to or feel locked into buying. I bought two different manufacturer's interconnent just to see if I could see any difference. The system sounds just as good either way. 10% of your budget should be spent on cables. That sounds fair to me. Buy what you think sounds good. You're the one who's going to be listening to it!