Spica vs. modern bookshelf speakers?

I was a teenager when I first fell ill to the hifi bug.  The first pair of beautiful-sounding bookshelf speakers I heard was a pair of Spica TC 50s.  I fell in love with their imaging & overall sound.  At the time, I didn't buy them because I had my heart set on full range speakers.  Now that I'm older, I want a second system in my bedroom and I am in need of a pair of bookshelf speakers. 

Here's the question:My memory has the Spicas sounding better than any bookshelf I've heard today...but has my memory plus 28 years warped my current perception?
Is there a modern bookshelf under $1,000 that will image as well as a Spica?Am I miss-remembering how good these sound?  I brought this up to my local shop and they laughed and said they weren't as good as I remember. 

This is not a cry for modern bookshelf recommendations.  I know there are a ton of great bookshelf speakers out there.  I specifically would love feedback from people who have heard Spica TC 50s or 60s and how they compare with more recently released speakers. 

Thank you in advance!

Showing 1 response by jjss49

tc50's are outstanding

like all excellent bookshelf models they need bass support, but above those frequencies they are brilliant and beguiling