Spendor SP100R2 still a relevant speaker?

Was about to pull the trigger on some Tannoy Turnberry's but then found a beautiful pair of Spendor SP100R2's with stands that are within a long drive distance from me if I wanted to buy them.

They have some age on them, wonder if they can perform as good as the Tannoy or even better.  They are at the same price too $6k.


Showing 3 responses by blkwrxwgn

Yes, one is a Tannoy and the other is a Spendor.  

Both should have pretty rich midrange and run on the warm side, so different but not so much.

Thank you everyone.  They are a good deal with stands, same price as the Tannoy actually.

I'm seriously giving it thought, it's a four hour drive, so I guess if I listened and didn't like them it's not too bad.  

Thank you for the input @alan60 that's pretty much what the owner is saying too, that Tannoy might be a bit more energetic compared to the Spendor.  I'm still completely lost now.  Only one I have heard is the Tannoy.