Spendor SP100R2 still a relevant speaker?

Was about to pull the trigger on some Tannoy Turnberry's but then found a beautiful pair of Spendor SP100R2's with stands that are within a long drive distance from me if I wanted to buy them.

They have some age on them, wonder if they can perform as good as the Tannoy or even better.  They are at the same price too $6k.


Showing 1 response by alan60

I have heard the Spendor and the Tannoys, to me the Spendors are very easy to listen to, but perhaps a bit polite, the Tannoys are more engaging with better dynamics, plus you can tweak the treble energy to your liking. Plus with the Tannoys being 3db more efficient makes them easier to drive with single ended valve amps.

If you read the reviews my impressions are pretty much supported by the reviewers.