Spendor D9.2 Run In

Just got new Spendor D9.2's, primarily because of the well regarded midrange, and wanted to know how long the run-in will take based on experience.  I generally don't play them loud, but when I do they seem to blare.  A bit concerning.  Also when played at moderate levels the mids sound tuned high.  What is the deal?  Thanks


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When I have my ear right up on the speaker, the brashness seems to be coming from the midrange and not the LPZ tweeter.  The speakers do throw the mids and highs forward, which I like - especially the tweeter.  I can hear it at a distance.  What I find odd is voices seem to be higher in pitch than I am accustomed too, and that's the midrange.  I am hearing detail I never heard before, which startles sometimes.  But it's the pitch, and at higher volumes especially, brashness or tinnyness, that is a bit unnerving.  I will try to be patient.

I have McIntosh components: C2700, MC275.  I felt sure they would act to mellow the sound.

OK, I will be patient.  These are beautifully made and I can tell the detail is stunning.  But you have to ask, if a speaker needs 300 hours, why isn't the manufacturer running the speaker (or drivers) in?  I know Zu does.

The Spendor midrange is as overly pronounced as the Volti's was not.  I have switched the Spendors between my SS and tube Mac gear and really don;t see much difference.  "Lean" is a good word, but the pitch seems wrong to me.  t is true some recording sound better than others.  

I'm a week in and granted, would have liked to have played them more by now, and louder.  But what I am noticing is the midrange HAS softened but is still quite strong compared to anything I have heard before.  Perhaps over several more weeks even better results will follow.  What I can say is the top end detail is astounding and probably what folks here call "forward."  What this means is I find myself turning the volume down compared to my Volti Razzes which these replace.  So to get the midrange detail in the Razzes - I had to play them loud.  These Spendors, not at all.  I hear details I never heard before, even on records I have heard a million times.  I wonder if my ears are reacting to the detail.  Other speakers rounded the edges compared to these very accurate speakers.  People are saying these are like Focals.  I had given my son a system that included Focal Arias as a graduation gift and when I fired those up - they were bright too.  So yes, these "modern" designs are different.  The detail is amazing.  I will post later with age.

I have owned these D9.2s for over a month now.  Spendor told me to crank them out of phase a few inches apart for 48 hours.  Can't do that, who can?  But over the last month I have been leaving the house for hour long dog walks and I leave them CRANKED.  Lotta Raggae mostly to exercise the low end too.  WHAT A DIFFERENCE.  I now appreciate the details, and the harshness has subsided.  Did it go away or did get used to it?  I can't say.  My internal oscilloscope may not be that accurate,  All I know is I here details I have not heard and I do not find these speakers at all fatiguing, anymore.  I'm starting to think Spendor's claims of midrange brilliance may be... correct.  So on we go, enjoying the journey.