Spendor D7, D9 but no love Classic 100?

I see plenty of recommendations floating around recent threads for the D7 and D9, but nary a mention of the Classic 100.  I wonder why.  Are no dealers stocking it for demo?

Last summer I was able to audition extensively the Classic 100 vs. the D7 in same system, same room, same afternoon, same music.  The 100 came out on top by some margin.  Just a much more natural sound.  Never heard the D9 but I imagine it's cut from the same cloth, but goes deeper.  The Classic 100 was lively, exciting, dynamic, but also harmonically full and rich and never threadbare.  In contrast, there was something in particular about the D7 treble range that made me uncomfortable.  As always, YMMV, and indeed, it probably already has.


Showing 2 responses by itzhak1969

The Spendor same as Proac speakers do need a long break in period and you have to be very patient . they might sound very terrible at the beginning but after long break-in they are spectacular (if they have proper system to move them of course).
Congratulations for your new speakers !
I don’t think it’s a good idea to put the D7s directly on your maple hardwood floors with no spikes. no isolation from the floor can degrade the sound severely .