Speed regulation - how important will it be?

I own the Basis 2001 TT with the Grahmm 2.2 and Ruby2 Cartridge. I recently purchased the Kobe Strobe kit to test the speed at 33 1/3. The instructions state that if you see the number move less than 10 times in a minute than the speed is fine. Mine moved 2 times. I assume this means that the speed is fairly close to perfection. If I purchased the VPI-SDS speed control, will I hear any real benefits?
P.S. I also tested the speed pluging my TT into the PS Audio P300. There was no difference. I was a little suprised.

Showing 1 response by herman

I also have this strobe, but it really only tells you what the average speed is. Their could be small variations in the speed, constantly speeding up and slowing down, that the strobe won't reveal. Large flucations would show up as the tick marks drifting first one way and then the other, but I don't think you could see small ones.

Since I believe you have an AC motor, any variations in the line frequency will result in speed flucations. Just because it was 2 when you measured it doesn't mean it will be 2 all of the time. It depends on how well the power company regulates the frequency and how much noise is on the line. This is where the VPI-SDS or PS Audio come into play. Since they supply an unwavering 60 hz signal, the stability should be better even if you don't see it with the strobe.

If it is stability you seek, then you already have the Ps Audio so I don't see any benefit in getting the VPI since it is also a regenerator. The VPI does perform some other functions such as ramping up the motor so you would need to decide if it is worth it to you. If you use the PS Audio be sure it is set for 60 Hz and the multiwave stuff is turned off.