Spectral Phono Section vs. External one!

Hi folks, Has anyone had much experience using the Spectral Phono Section for MM or MC cartridges vs. using an external phono section either tube or solid state? I am trying to decide on a phono section to use. Which external phono section has sounded excellent with an all Spectral/MIT reference setup? AR PH3, Klyne, Sonic Frontiers, Quicksilver, Lehmann, etc etc? I would appreciate any feedback! Thanks Shawn

Showing 1 response by detlof

Jcbtubes is dead right ! If you covet a slightly warmer, fuller presentation, do as he suggests. If you like the Spectral sound however, you would need to spend big bucks to do better. The Spectral phono section, as far as resolution, delicacy, soundstaging, the presentation of voices and instruments in space ,the bottom end and sweet, extended highs are concerend, seems truly excellent to these here ears.