Spectral or Ayre (combo)

what would you choose if the decision needs to be made from two systems between these combo's:

Spectral Audio preamp Dmc 12 + power Dma 150 


Ayre Acoustics  pream V-5xe  + power K-5xe

Thanks  for your opinion and brief comments.

Showing 2 responses by miglos

Get somthing better and more reliable get PASS

did you compare yourself to sound like PASS with Spectral or Ayre?
Why you decide that Ayre or Spectral are not reliable?
Reading the forum comments gives the impression that Ayre is more acceptable. But isn’t Spectral Audio a higher level than Ayre? I’ve read reviews that Spectral audio is very sterile sounding, really is it? Maybe it depends on other audio equipment? ...but yes, Ayre very highly valued by audiophiles