Spectral DMC 30SS& DMA 250, need advice

I have the amps and 350/770 cables comming next week, like to know should I use MIT power cords and powerstrips or sthg else. I have some K-S Emotions PC on hand.
Room is 16x20' with 13' ceiling, Metronome T2i CDP and Eggleston The Nine speakers.
I had hoped someone other would have taken this up, but then:
Teddy, These networks MIT uses to voice their SCs with. But then you can use any other decent SCs with your gear, as my experience has shown. I had used MIT but also NordOst. If in doubt, ask Joe, as I had suggested before and give him my regards.
Hi Teddy_bear,
I have been using PS Audio SC series PC on my DMA 100S amp for several years based on advice that Rick Fryer does not recommend networked cables on amps. On the SDR 4000S and DMC 30SL I use MIT Z II plugged into MIT Iso Duo isolation device. There is also a Z Stabiliser plugged in next to the amp. Remember to think of all of these components as part of a coherent system. Mix and match with care! Enjoy your new amp/pre they are as good as it gets!
I have moved from Egglestons to Marten Miles III, I like them very much, using Emotion PC and one IC.
I'm using isolation platforms under CDP and Power amp.
Some clarification.
I received my Spectral ref gear with common OEM power cords, nothing special whatsoever.
The SCs-speaker cables- "are important" with at least "some" Spectral amps and Spectral advises so in their literature. That is why they sell custom SCs made for them by MIT.
Knome, it will boggle your mind to step up to at least Shotgun AC2 power cord for your SDR 4000S. The Z Cord ll is entirely inadaquate for that level player. I use Oracle.
Joe Abrams has been an excellent person to do business with and is exceptionally knowledgable about MIT products and their use with Spectral equipment.