Spectral DMC 12, 20 or 30 preamp?

My next upgrade is a spectral preamp. The DMC - 12 sounds very nice in my system (Thiel 1.6, Mcormack dna 0.5 or Golden tube se 40 (I swap these alot), arcam alpha 7 cd (will be upgrading soon, maybe to a rotel), MIT cable).

The DMC 20 used is more money, as is the 30. I'm wondering if anyone can expand on the sonic differences are between these? One of my priorities is bass - midbass, thiels have nothing in the low end, but the midbass is very nice on them. The less money I spend on this, the more is available to a power amp. Flip side is I'll be living with this for awhile, so the better I have, the happier I'll be.

Showing 3 responses by bear

I think the 20 has split passive RIAA, and better pcbs, but otherwise is pretty much a DMC 12 behind the scenes.Maybe a few other changes in the implementation details.

I've never even seen a DMC 30, and this probably post dates Damien Martin's design work and participation in Spectral, so I don't have a clue what is going on inside it.

All the Spectal preamps, imho, are very clean, but subjectively a little "thin" sounding. I'm not sure why that is, but it is not likely a simple thing to explain. For better bass out of your system, it would be good if the speaker was able to be bi/tri amped, in which case you could select an amplifier which might subjectively be "fatter" on the bottom end and solve the problem that way (or even apply some EQ, gasp!).
The *difference* between the DMC 12 and the DMC 20 *is* the split passive RIAA *and* a change in the board layout and materials... iirc the 20 used a foamed polypropylene pcb material. The gain stages were otherwise identical.

Neither of them used any ribbon connectors.

As I mentioned I have no idea what is in the DMC 30, and no idea what if anything they have done to these models in any newer versions.

All of them are very clean, and low distortion designs. Imho, far better than a majority of solid state preamps.

Robertd made a comment in which he somehow misinterpreted what I wrote earlier. "...According to Bear, I shouldn't really expect much change." I'm not sure what he was thinking about, but I don't think that's what I was talking about.

Anyhow, if I had to own a commercial solid state preamp, Spectral's would be on my list.They are clearly a step or two up from the average stuff being sold.
Yeah Sean, layout does matter as soon as you care about a bandwidth beyond a few hundred kHz. That is one of the things that set Spectral's design off from some others. In fact there is/was a PS Audio preamp that more or less borrowed the same circuit (really, really close) but did not sound worth a damn, imho. Although it may have been one of the better PS Audio units. The layout just was not up to the same standards...side by side the PS looked like a clusterknot compared to the Spectral.

Take a look at the Halcro amp, they had to pay attention to RF layout as well... (not for raw bandwidth, but to keep wide bandwidth so that the feedback would work to drop the distortion 2 orders of magnitude lower than usual).
