specification help

im considering an upgrade to simaudio's w-7 and p-7 pre and amp. ive heard them at the rmaf and liked the sound. but no way to home audition with my sonus faber cremonas. im currently using cairn audio nitro pre, ko2 amp and fog 3 cdp. ive been very happy for the last couple of years, but have the upgrade bug.my question is,that in trying to educate myself as much as possible , i find i really dont know alot about what certain specs. are or what they mean for sound quality.i was hoping someone could assist.
first the cairn pre, its fully balanced, dual mono, input impendence is 18000 ohms, freq. response 2hz to 200 hz, input sensitivity is 0.05vrms, and signal to noise is above 120db. compare that to the sim. inp. impend. is 22,000 ohms, freq. response is 5hz to 100 hz, inp. sensitivty is 200mv-4.0vrms and signal to noise is 115db.
on paper , i think my cairn specs. are better? the amp has a similar situation but this post is getting long.
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Hello, I have been trying now for nearly two months to find the specifications for the Cairn KO-2. No source online, no person I've queried, no previous owner I've discovered, and not Cairn's own site (they have not responded to any of several emails, both in English and French) have revealed the answer to any of the following:

Total Gain?
Unbalanced Input Impedance?
Balanced Input Impedance?
Class A output (wattage) at 4ohms?
Minimum ohms unit is stable into?
Minimum input signal (voltage) for full power?

Any help with any of these questions would be exceedingly, finally, blessedly appreciated!