Specific Pre-Amp advice

I would really like to get some help from the Forum. Late 2017 early 2018 I am getting a new pre-amp. My options to hear gear are low (common issue). Probably be buying blind which I have done in the past in conjunction with research. Here is the run down. 

Budget: 2500 possibly pushed to 3k. Looking for used gear (pretty much ruling out new).

1. I am leaning heavily toward a tube pre.
2. I would like a remote but its not a deal breaker if it gets me better SQ
3. Line stage only. Don't really need a phono stage as I have a stand alone
4. It needs to be active. 
5. Feeding SS amp with 100k input impedance 
6. Primary used with Vinyl front end. Would like it to handle three sources. (Radio, Dac/CD and Input for TT)
7. 2 channel only no pass through needed or wanted. 
8. Single Ended RCA Connection. My amp does not have true balance connections 

Current System 

VPI Prime 
SS Aida Cart
MS Nova Phomoma 
Exposure 17
Exposure Dual Reg 4
Vienna Acoustic Mozart Grands 

I am looking to get more resolution. A more liquid sound. Bigger soundstage and get more of the recording space into my room. 

My preference is for an open/transparent neutral sound slightly tipped to the warm side in the highs. Slight roll off maybe. I like a fast quick musical sound with tight quick bass. Not looking for tube romance or rounded bass. I absolutely would like to stay away from bright sounding gear. Also super etched is not to my thing. I fall in the musicality camp. 

Any suggestions that would help me achieve this sound would be appreciated. These qualities defiantly take system matching into account. Pretty happy right now but I think I can do better.


Showing 19 responses by darkstar1

Interesting on the Freya choice. Way under budget. I don’t think passive will work with my amp. I read a post about someone not having luck with a passive with the dual 4. I don’t know the technical reasons behind it sadly. Maybe it just needs more gain?

I did dip my toe into the Schit line with headphones for a short period. I had the Valhalla 1 with Sennhieser HD600. Honestly I liked the sound but wanted to focus on one system. The amp was OTL and really that is where sound wise I would like to head but in a speaker system.

I will look into the Freya. It does not say its OTL but I will research it.

Of the two dealers I have locally one carries Audio Research. I kinda of viewed them as pricey compared to the competition. I do realize on paper it really makes sense to suggest Arc. I have mixed feelings as some of the dealers setups leave me less than impressed while the main room with the high dollar Arc and maggies 3.7 does impress me quite a bit.

Some of the systems I have heard with Arc seen fade or bleached out while the one I love cost a fortune. Maybe I should go give them another shot and no the dealer would never let me take a pre home. He is not that helpful to be honest. 

Thanks for all the help so far. 

I guess I am going to listen to some Arc again. I am going to email the current president of Exposure. He responds quickly. Hopefully he will know the gain off hand. Also info about running a passive into the dual 4. 

Jeff Rowland has never been on my radar. Will do some research. 

Wow those like nice. I am not really into amps for looks but those look amazing. Starting to see a trend in my research and your suggestion for preamps based of the  6SN7 tubes. 

I also am looking for and upfront presentation. I prefer first 10 row vantage point. My speakers are laid back so I want to overcome it with gear that has a more forward prospective. With my current setup I have achieved this and would like to continue it. 
Exposure Dual 4 Reg has 24db of gain according to the President. So fully passive may be out. My research in the past found a thread stating the amp was not a good candidate for passive pre-amps. 

Guess it now makes sense. 

Modwright was on my list. The 36.5. Yeah the phono stage could and will be better someday but I need a preamp and a better record cleaner first. I also was trying to add the tubes in the pre and trying to keep the phono section with higher gain SS to reduce noise.

I Have compared a 3k Sutherland to Nova and it really didn't impress me. Way on the warm side. Bass was to bloated. It did bring vocals a bit more out of the mix but I didn't see it as a upgrade as much a sideways change.

Also heard Ayre phono stage. I honnestly think the Nova is pretty good for 500 bucks used. I actually think my pre-amp is the noise maker. It really is amazing for the price but compared to higher end stuff it does a have higher floor noise. Its also older and could use some maintenance. My amp has been recapped with high quality capps 3 or years ago.
Randy 11

Keeping up with GD release seems like a full time job. I love a lot of the Dicks Picks. I have a few orginals and several of the MOFI releases plus some bootleg shows off the board on vinyl. I have never heard of  Plangent technology. Might need to check that out. My musical tastes are very diverse more so than many people. 


I know CJ used to have a romantic/rich house sound and then it was changed. Is CJ really slightly warm to neutral now? Just another brand I want to hear but have not. My speakers add a bit of warmth and bloom. Trying not to go to far with a good thing. 


You pretty much made me aware of Herron in the analog forum. Yes I am interested in their gear. I was in St. Louis and talked to the owner and even though he was located in St. Louis there was no place to here his gear. Same situation with Well Tempered. Disturbed with dynavector out of St. Louis but you have to drive a good ways into IL country to hear that table???? They do make is hard for you to audition gear. I just assume buy blind then chase products around the country. 

A year or two ago I was in Berkeley and literal could not get the salesman to play the Nova phono stage. He wanted me to buy blind in an empty store. So I just went ahead and bought one blind for half the cost here. I have no ideal what many dealers are thinking theses days. I know it was not a make or break sale but dear lord I was the only soul in the store. That is pure laziness. 
Yeah I have the Cornell show on vinyl ripped from the board. They sound really good. They were bought a year or two ago. 

That is the point of this thread. I have some preamps in mind but looking for suggestions from some of the people that swap gear often or achieved the same thing I am looking for in their system.  

Yeah I am going with active. I don't really roll much gear. I think I am 3 pieces of gear from maintaining my system for a long time. Premamp, Record cleaner and possibly a phono pre. 

Yeah I agree I don't really want to take a chance on a fully passive amp. I don't like selling at all. So yeah I totally agree with you. I really am leaning towards a Used Modwright 36.5. 

I also like the idea of Herron or Aesthetix but it would be pushing my budget. I also have a rare dark horse pre that someone is selling now that I doubt will be there when I am ready to buy. I am fighting the urge to buy now but the would create a war zone of the home front and honestly it would be justified.

 Baranyi this sounds interesting. I never heard of it. l like the Idea of OTL line stage. Thanks will definitely put it on the list. 

Well I like the idea of the MicroZ-s

15 day trial
Within budget new
Tube options
Added benefit of Headphone amp
Light Weight... could be moved upstairs for headphone listening easily

I just was forced to pick up a clean Technics 1200mk2 due to a unbeatable craiglist price. Let me just say its way better than I even imaged it could be. Hell I could use it for a headphone setup by the bed after using down stairs in the main setup.


What great input. I know you can't exactly know where the Micro Z2s stands because you were not familiar with the room or system but please elaborate as much as you can or can take and educated guess on the differences between the sonic signatures between the Herron and the Mirco. 

Any input on sonic signatures/presentations styles and differences Between the Herron, Modwright, Arc and the Micro would be very helpful. I know not perfect but I am doubtfully there are to many here with the insight you have as you heard all of them. 

This is the exact info I was after and you are familiar with top choices including the ARC. 

Any info greatly appreciated. 

Do you find BAT warm moving from your SS state gear. Everything I read in marketing always states how warm the gear is. 


Thank you for your additional input. I understand why you can't say more on the LTA in comparison. 

Thanks Again
I am familiar with Ayre. 

My closest friend has the K-1x5 pre into 5 series amp. 

He has the Ayre Phono and VPI Classic with similar cart into Golden Ear Triton 1s. 

I respect it. I am trying to get that type off resolution and added smoothness. A little too rich and warm for my taste. I also like more typical SS bass.  

Still taking suggestions.

Foey it may be a mistake but I have basically bought my whole system blind and at the right price. Its failed me 1 time and I sold the gear for a very small loss. 2nd I have made trips to San Francisco and tired to hear gear and was treated terribly. So I would Never schedule a trip to a dealer as they are hit or miss. I would do an audio show. 

Right now I am looking  looking at: 

Lienaer Tube Audio MZ2 - 2. I would buy new with 15 day trial

The other is not tubed. Seriously considering going with a Pass Labs XP-10 or just getting the INT 60 and hopefully calling it a day. 

Well I did a ton of research.....

A lot of the pre-amps mentioned here were definitely on my list. I started at looking at having my Exposure amp re -done with new caps and transistors

And actually I was also very torn about the Ultraverse. I was interested in the Don Sach preamps as well. 

Then I got a real good offer for VPI HW-17 record cleaner. Like a price I would never see again and no shipping. I was not thrilled about buying a record cleaner but I knew that it was something I really really needed so I jumped on it. 

Then I got sucked into a reel to reel project and now have a Pioneer 707 and Crown 700 sitting in my living room.

Then the Fiancee landed a very good job and off to New York we go. Getting Married next May. So things have been crazy and I don't see myself moving into a new preamp till after the wedding and the move. 

Crazy turn of events but I still catch myself wanting to research but I am thinking in New York I will be able to listen to more gear than I had ever before.
all ashes over here 

Last weekend it was Tedeschi Trucks live and this weekend Keb Mo and Taj Mahal in concert. She bought our tickets for Keb Mo and Taj Mahal. 

I will make it somehow......