speakers with balls

Hello friends
I live in a modern unit!! of medium size!!
 I/m running a pair of Zu soul's, on some recordings, sound great, other's could be better!!, I'm looking at the below, my amps are "audio labs" mono blocks!! approx 250 WPC
I'm looking for a speaker that "rocks"!!
I have a short list of speakers, that according from web sites, are a good match
1. Magnepan 1.7
2. Magnepan 1.7.i
3. Gallo Acoustics  3.5
These are some speakers, that am willing to consider
 anymore more speakers, that you can recon-end??
Hi daveyonthecoast,
It seems that your choices are more of a lateral move rather than a move towards achieving your Balls Out goal.

Your Speakers, Zu soul have a frequency response of 45Hz-22 kHz
The Magneplanar 1.7 have a Frequency response of  40Hz-24 kHz
The Gallo 3.5 have a Frequency response of  34Hz-20 kHz

What you are looking for ideally is something that would get you in a frequency response of 25Hz-40kHz. If you can get 20Hz - 60kHz even better. But you will have to pay $$$$ for that.

You may have to do it in stages.
For instance If you like the Maggie's, then look to pair it with some REL subs. https://rel.net/speaker-pairing/1-7i/
The 3.7 REL combo will surely help you to achieve the balls out sound you are looking for. https://rel.net/speaker-pairing/3-7i/

Below are some other reputable Loudspeaker companies that you should check out. Bache should give you best bang for buck. Eagleston just merged with China, so I hope it does not affect their reputable products. Devore Fidelity is just Awesome.

Have Fun,Best of Luck

Try a pair of XTZ Sound Divine Alpha's that's what I'm looking at..
The Utah audio companies RBH and Tekton.. Also add 2 small subwoofers..
Why not have both? For classic hard rock speakers try some vintage Cervin Vegas; but for a little more finesse try the a vintage C-V tower like the C-V Tr12.  And you'll still have money left over for a set of Magnepan, Gallos, or others suggested here. 
Speakers with balls...check out the GoldenEar Triton two+ 
I auditioned and they rock with seemless bass integration and awesome imaging.   
Monitor Audio silver series are a good compromise between fidelity, balance, and sharpness.  Great for metal and prog.

BTW I have a pair of Maggie 3,3s rebuilt by John VanL and with 2 REL Subs that is a very good rocking combo. Ive blown a few tweeters but you can do it.  Great fo electronically.