Speakers using ceramic drivers....differences?

I have primarily VAC amplification.
I'm trying to determine the sonic differences in the most popular lines using ceramic drivers
(Kharma, LumenWhite, Avalon, Marten Design, Usher Audio, Venture Audio)
I tend to migrate to the sound of the Acuton midrange clarity and dynamics. I have heard Kharma and Lumen White, both excellent ; any experience out there with Usher Audio (significantly less expensive..AC-10/20) and Marten Design?

Showing 2 responses by audiofederation

We have the Marten Coltranes here and, as you suspected Albert, they have a very tight, top-to-bottom tonal and resolution consistancy, very similar to the Vandersteen in this respect (in particular the Vandy 5... my old 2ce, well, it did OK... :-) .

Compared to the Kharmas, the Martens are more real, neutral and detailed, not quite as easy to drive (though we run our Coltranes off the Kegon 22 watt SET monoblocks to good effect), slightly more musical, with deeper and more detailed bass, but without that oh so effusive midrange of the Kharmas.

The same comparison more or less goes for the Avalons as well, though the Avalons are much harder to drive than either the Marten or Kharma. The LumenWhites have just been updated, as I understand it. In the past they could be a little crispy and a little on the cool side at times.

I have heard good things about the Venture - but have not actually heard them myself.

We have at times seriously considered carrying all of the above speakers - they can all be made to make a very satisfying sound (some easier than others ;-)

As always, "Use the ears, Luke".

If any of you are ever up near Denver town, you are welcome to stop by and hear the Coltranes with your own ears. And Albert, I'm afraid you can only up here after our @#$%^ remodel is done :-) We would love to hear your impressions of the Edge 800 watts NL Reference 'pyramids' on the U1s, along with your impressions of the Martens.

Mike (Marten Design dealer)
Hey Albert,

Breaking in the Coltranes is more or less like breaking in all speakers - a hundred hours or so to relax, and 6 months or so to get to the steady-state.

They do bass very well: they go very deep and are well-damped in a natural manner. Similar to the big Wilsons w/o the low/mid bass hump. Similar to the Vandy 5 (given the right amplification) but more tuneful and with higher resolution (if I remember correctly).

We haven't ever heard them evidence compression or distortion. We do not play them all that loud here - they are currently in a very live room, but at our usual digs they have been played quite loud). Note that these speaker's sound is very tightly controlled, not a big and open or relaxed sound (though we haven't yet tried big tube amps like your VTLs!). However, this does not mean they are over-damped - in fact it is this perfect balance that so beguiling. They reproduce notes in a very realistic manner - w/o any hint of compression or reluctance (though they do benefit from and were designed to be close to the front wall - not for bass augmentation but to add a bit of glow(?) to the midrange and to widen the soundstage).

Can't tell you how many times I have run from system to system after playing a CD on the Coltranes - seeing if the other systems do as well using *their* approach to sound reproduction (usually they do, but in their own way). This is not to be hyperbolic but to emphasize that we have 3 very different SOTA speaker systems here (horns, stats, cones) - all very good at what they do - and the interesting thing is that they all do it differently.

The U1s. We are remodeling and we left the Soundlabs and the Edge Refs at the house - safely wrapped up - with the plan being to finish the demo room #2 in about 6 weeks. It has now been 5 months and counting. Tick tick tick... But yes, once everything is finished there we will have the U1s, wired internally with Valhalla cable, hooked up to the Refs (and using Walker High definition links - which is about the extent of our tweakage on these speakers to date). When we get back we are also planning on putting the Walker in a central location so that all 3 systems can use it as a source using some not-quite-but-almost ridiculously long interconnect. Otherwise we will go crazy(ier) trying to pick which system gets the 'table....

Glad we could tempt you :-)
