Speakers to hang on to for LIFE

After 9 years with my Proac Response 3s, I recently decided to change speakers. As you can tell, I'm not an upgrade fever patient. I want something I can live with for years & I think the best advice I'm gonna get will be from those who have & are still living with their speakers for an extended period of time. Please tell me why too. Thanks.Bob.
Ohm Acoustics 4XO have 17 years now. In a large room they have a wide soundstage and solid bass. I replaced the surrounds 3 years ago.
My dad has a 30 year old pair of Heil ESS AMT1 speakers that are still going strong. He had the woofers refoamed about 10 years ago, and I think these speakers will be around for another 10 years at least.

I suspect my Coincident Total Victories may be the last pair of speakers I buy.
a lot of good amps mentioned here...I have always been a classe fan...........however after hearing many many amps with my mkIII's settled on a 5 channel Audio Refinement (sounds awesome in stereo)...considering what a used one can be bought for..it is an outrageous value ...those big twin power supplies help the dyn's .....this amp was designed by the best (bernard...he is french if you have a problem with that lol)....the amp is warm!!!!..almost tubelike....silent background...just another alternative for you dyn lovers...(i am a former Bryston and Classe owner)
Ohm Acoustic Model I, 4-way, very powerful and articulate speakers. I haven't heard very many other speakers, and none that are considered to be "hi-end", so I cannot compare the sound. I purchased them new in 1980 for $1500, drove them for 21 years with a 100 watt integrated amp and thought I had a great system. I put another $1000 into them last year upgrading the drivers (through Ohm Acoustics), and when the integrated amp finally died, bought dual Parasound 2200II amps and a PLD-2000 preamp. The amps brought the speakers to into a new dimension of sound I didn't think possible. I really like them and intend to keep them, that is of course until I hear something I like better. Any suggestions? Rick
I have to be true to the truth. I posted above that "I will *never* get rid of my (4) Nautilus 805s because I will *always* have a use for them." I lied.

Well, I *kinda* lied. I recently sold 2 of my Nautilus 805s - leaving me with only one pair.

I know. I know. I said "*never*". But I decided that my N805s deserve tubes, and not some 5.1 HT setup. Don't worry - they were adopted by a fellow Audiogon member who will give them all the love and care that they deserve.

I'm still keeping this pair, though. For, as I stated above, they are speakers I will hold onto for life.