Speakers That Will Party Hard

A friend built a house and turned his large basement into a party ballroom. My wife and I didn't know him during that process and he had those tiny "wall wart" sized Bose satellites installed in each corner of the dance floor. Also had two subwoofers installed, however, the problem is those plastic Bose mini-speakers. They don't sound very good in general and when the music gets cranked a little, they break up badly.

Anyone have any idea of good satellite speakers to replace the offending Boses? It would be nice if they could play loud for longer periods of time and also sound musical.

Thanks in advance, people!

Showing 1 response by bbro

This may sound like heresy but in my younger days I had a dedicated party room like your friends and had a pair of Bose 901 III's hanging from the ceiling which could really crank out the sounds.

On a more audiophile type recommendation, if your friend has the room and inclination this sounds like the perfect room for some Klipsch La Scalas.