Speakers that sing

I am now looking to upgrade my speakers to something that I consider "special" I have a Bryston 4B-ST amp, BP-25 preamp, Meridian 508.24 CD player and other assorted stuff and want to get some speakers that are great for vocalists and older jazz. I was looking at the B & W 800 used. After reading many strings, I am reconsidering. Please give me your thoughts on speakers in the 5-10K range.

Showing 1 response by mikesinger

you might want to spend a little less on the speaker and upgrade the rest of your gear.

when you get into a speaker of that caliber- they have a tendency to be ruthlessly revealing and i dont think your bryston amp/pre will be satisfactory on the top end.

would suggest the dalia's or the audio physic libra/avanti.

the dalai's have one of the nicest top end's i have ever heard, and they sound as good as they look.

the ap libra/avanti are "very, very demanding" when it comes to setup ( you might have to upgrade your amp/pre).however they disappear, have deep bass, and are very coherent. these can be had at bargain prices imo.

btw, i bought a pair of libra's and had to change out my amps and cables..

good luck,
