Speakers that sing

I am now looking to upgrade my speakers to something that I consider "special" I have a Bryston 4B-ST amp, BP-25 preamp, Meridian 508.24 CD player and other assorted stuff and want to get some speakers that are great for vocalists and older jazz. I was looking at the B & W 800 used. After reading many strings, I am reconsidering. Please give me your thoughts on speakers in the 5-10K range.

Showing 1 response by jimman

I must agree with CAVY, I have the Sonatas MK 111 now a few months, after auditioning many speakers in all price ranges I found these speakers sounding more like music than speakers with detail I never heard from any other speaker.My listening area is 12 by 25 and fills the room nicely, On the other hand if you have a smaller room you might have to look at somthing different. I feel these speakers are a sleeper speaker being hard to locate a dealer to audition them, But if you do and like them you can get a good deal on them. happy Listening