Speakers that sing

I am now looking to upgrade my speakers to something that I consider "special" I have a Bryston 4B-ST amp, BP-25 preamp, Meridian 508.24 CD player and other assorted stuff and want to get some speakers that are great for vocalists and older jazz. I was looking at the B & W 800 used. After reading many strings, I am reconsidering. Please give me your thoughts on speakers in the 5-10K range.

Showing 1 response by ejlif

I would second the reccomendation for the Maggie 3.6. I have a friend who used to have a Levinson 333 with the Nautilus 802s and all high dollar transparent cabling. He needed to recoup some money from his sytem so he downgraded to the Bryston 4B amp and Magie 1.6s. His system is way better now with the Maggies. The Nautilus speakers were harsh and lifeless compared to the Maggies, his downgrade was more like an upgrade. You could even go as far as to get the top of the line Maggies with your budget. As long as you have the ability to pull the speakers out as far as needed (up to 5ft from the back wall) the Maggies are an absolutely awesome speaker.