Speakers that have holographic imaging on vocals..

As far as 3-d imaging on vocals...I found only a handful...namely Spendors,Vandersteens,and older Spica tc-50s that I used to own capable of doing this...and this includes auditioning Maggies,Thiels,Revels,Logans, and too many more to mention...any thoughts?
I've had great luck with Thiel 2's coupled with an Aragon 4004 amp. This combo left any analytical tendency behind and gave a beautiful image, even in a rather crappy room!
I'd have to third lgregoir and itsall dark: Verity Fidelios did the image thing, but more importantly, the Sam Cooke you heard was a life-sized, emotive, 104.6 degree man. Don't get me started on Aretha, Janis, or Maria...(Muldaur or Callas).
It takes a lot more than just good speakers to get 3D imaging. There is source, amplification, cables (esp IC's), room acoustics, speaker setup, and proper listening position. Of the speakers you have already discounted I wonder how many you auditioned in your system. I've heard excellent imaging from revel and thiel. If you've only listened to these speakers in a showroom you've probably missed something.