Speakers that excel at depth/layering/space

I am looking for comments on what speakers you have heard that provide a lot of depth, but with the depth, also layering and separation in the depth or soundfield.

Width and openess is one thing, but depth with layering and space from front to back is much rarer.

One speaker that recently impressed me was the PSB Synchrony One with Mcintosh amp and front end.

I've demoed a lot of equipment but don't hear this aspect that often.

Any comments or experiences to share?

Showing 2 responses by lrsky

MBL and Sound Labs are two that, for my taste are undeniably layered, and textured.
One person's layers and textures SHOULD BE everyones, but it's amazing to me how many times have I toured CES with someone else listening to loudspeakers only to shake my head, wondering why we hear differently.
Kevin Hayes, Jim Thiel, are two people I've been in Vegas with, who I find myself agreening with--and not so strangly, whose gear I respect, admire and enjoy.
A pair of USED CS5's would/could be a terrific bargain--THIEL'S best ever, for my taste, loudspeaker.
AND speaking of Kevin--his electronics personify textures and layers, much more so, IMHO than Mac--and I am a McMasters attendee, have enormous respect for it--but can't for the most part place it in the same league as VAC, for example. AGAIN, IMHO.

Good luck in your search.

Didn't see this question until just now...
Yes, Kevin Hayes is the owner AND designer of Valve Amplification Company, VAC.
He's a terrific designer, as well as a great human being.
His equipment is terrifically musical AND neutral.
If you haven't experienced it do so.
