Speakers that are matched well with Krell

I am looking for new speakers. My system is as follows. A Krell KRC-HR for a preamp, KAV250a for the amp, a KAV 300cd for my cd player, Nordost Red Dawn interconnects and Nordost Blue Heaven for my speaker wire. I am using Sonus Grand Piano speakers now. These speakers are from my dedicated home theater and I want to keep them there. Any opinions would be welcome.

Showing 1 response by vikkysingh

I have always been told (but never myself heard) that the the classic combo woth Krell is Apogee speakers and MIT cables. I can't really recall anyother group of manufactureres who are spoken togtehr as often as these three. Perhaps Bryston and Maggies but thats another thread discussion...
Best of luck I'm sure they sound quite nice with the Sonus Faber's
Also look at Dynaudio speakers and Cardas cables